Now that the marathon is just 3 days away the pre-race nerves are starting to kick in and all thoughts go to the big day itself and relaxing is easier said than done.
The first thing I keep reminding myself is that pre-race nerves are completely natural and won't last forever. In a few days these nerves will be a distant memory replaced with only (hopefully) happy thoughts of a race well run. It is also handy, rather than thinking about a Herculean 26.2 miles, to mentally break the run down to segments - think about the start line, the first few challenges, the support of the crowd and of course that victorious last 100 yards when you stride confidently over the finish line!
Start thinking about life after the marathon - the next challenge or that well deserved break from the road!
Take comfort in the fact that there many more feeling exactly the same way as you are now and most importantly trust in the hard work you've put in, rest up and realise that the start line is closer than you think!
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