Throughout this blog I've constantly noticed how preparation, practice and attitude has changed this time around but one thing however has remained constant to all marathon training programmes during the taper period - Mental fatigue and doubt have ever so slowly began to creep in! The solution to this - Trust your programme and all will turn out for the best on the big day!
As intensity and mileage drops it's easy to get that bit paraniod about the level of training you're doing and not feeling like it's enough, but the reality is that the hard work is now done and the body needs time to rest and recuperate before it faces one last bout of punishment on marathon day! I often feel a bit tired during this programme and every niggle becomes magnified as I want to be 100% fit and ready come the race itself! During the programme, a knock wouldn't mean a great deal unless it seriously affected training times or intensity but come marathon time I always worry that I won't be totally fit at the start line. It usually amounts to nothing as once the starter pistol goes off, these niggles are soon forgotten and I'm focussed on the job at hand!
So my advise (for what's it worth!) for anyone that may be experiencing similar emotions at this stage during their taper is - all the hard prep is now done, trust in your programme and the effort you have put in up to this point, concentrate on diet, nutrition and rest and even though you may not feel like it at times - you will be ready to give it your best shot come marathon day!
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